Wednesday, February 10, 2016


WOWWW!! This past weekend, my best friend in the world turned 50. She was very sad, and down about it..(Even though I kept telling her that it is no big deal..)..Anyway..I have not seen her since I married Nature Boy, and left my hometown of Pensacola, FL...some 14 years ago. We have talked on Facebook, and the phone frequently, but have just let our lives get in the way of "seeing" each other. So..Her husband planned a secret weekend for me, her and her daughter...We have kept it a secret since OCTOBER ...I drove up on Friday, and waited in a parking lot of a grocery store, until her husband asked her to go to the store, (small town..not many grocery stores)..and then he called and said she had left the house..her daughter then went to her house to get her clothes, and things..and I met her at the store. She pulled in the parking spot..and sat there..and sat there...I walked up behind her and stuck my face up to the window. I think she went into shock...hahaha..Then she flung the door open, and started crying...I told her that "I" was her birthday present, and she was to follow me to a hotel up the road, and ask no questions..She kept worrying that she had no toothbrush..etc..I just kept telling her that her husband was going to bring her stuff...So.. once we got the hotel, and in the room...we decided to go down in the in the elevator and when the elevator opened..there stood her daughter!! She had not seen her daughter since Thanksgiving..and she started crying again!!(She obviously cries a lot...)

We had a really good time..did stuff..hung out...went to out to eat on Friday and Saturday nights...I hope she had fun!! It was so good to see her and her daughter, and hang out and be Suzan ..not Suzan the artist..I hope that makes sense..Sometimes we are different than what we was good to have a weekend where art didn't occupy my every thought!!

SO..I came home on Sunday, and Thursday was our wedding anniversary. We decided to go to Tuscaloosa, AL..for the Grand Opening of the new Kentuck building. It is beautiful..and so classy..and the party was wonderful..We had a lot of fun, and got to see my art which is now part of the Kentuck permanent collection (donated by one of my collectors)..Got to see old friends..It was a nice way to celebrate our anniversary!!

We came home on Friday, and Saturday, we went to Mentone, AL and went to the 50th anniversary party of some very special people in our lives!! Watched them renew their vows and saw many people that I have not seen in a long time. There was probably 200 people there..Seven of them did not recognize me..even though they have known me for years...THAT is the best feeling EVER. When you lose weight, you never realize how much you change..I had a blast, and wore polka dotted pants!! I love polka dots..but, the old Suzan would have never, ever wore polka dotted pants out in public!! takes so little to make me happy.

In the art world..I don't know where I am going or doing right now..I'm not painting..and not applying for many shows. I got into a couple of shows so far..but, not sure if I am going or not. I keep waiting for the art thing to hit me again..maybe it will, maybe it won' is no longer as important as it was to me..I'm just in this "been there, done that" mentality...So, we will see....

Live Artfully!

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